
~ SB's frens ~

Sahabat-sahabat Secretbargains,

Untuk makluman anda semua, kami tidak pernah melantik mana-mana orang perseorangan dan sebagainya sebagai ejen/wakil pihak kami. Sebarang urusan yang dibuat selain dari email kami, FB rasmi kami Kedai Secretbargains dan Page kami Secretbargains adalah di luar kawalan kami. Oleh yang demikian anda dinasihatkan untuk menggunakan ketiga2 saluran tersebut sahaja untuk berurusan dengan pihak kami. Sekiranya berlaku apa-apa perkara yang tidak diingini melalui saluran lain daripada yang disebutkan di atas, pihak kami tidak dapat bertanggungjawab.
Sekian dimaklumkan, terima kasih.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

installment scheme

Hi all!

We have tried and still trying our best to give the best service to all our customers and frens but we also need ur support and cooperation.

However,we are facing too many issues regarding installment scheme offered by us nowadays. We tried to understand that some of the items are quite pricey and it is difficult for our customers to pay in lump sum. So based on that, we agreed to offer you an installment scheme.

But sadly, some ppl took the advantage to create their "own installment scheme".3 months scheme has been dragged to 6 months, and the payment is at their own freeway.

We need money to operate this business, so pls help us to help you..TQ and have a nice day! :)